www.ogf.org Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on www.ogf.org. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact mailman@ogf.org.

List Description
ace-grid Advanced Collaborative Environments
acs-bof Mailing List for ACS-BOF
acs-wg Mailing List for ACS-WG
appagg-rg Mailing List for APPAGG-RG
apps-rg Mailing List for APPS-RG
apps-wg Mailing List for APPS-WG
Ari-wg [no description available]
arrg-rg Mailing List for ARRG-RG
astro-cg Mailing list of Astro Community Group
astro-rg Mailing List for ASTRO-RG
authz-wg Mailing List for AUTHZ-WG
btc-cg Build, Test & Certify Community Group
byteio-wg Mailing List for BYTEIO-WG
cads Mailing List for CADS
caops-wg Mailing List for CAOPS-WG
Capi-bof [no description available]
ccgt Mailing List for CCGT
cddlm-wg Mailing List for CDDLM-WG
cgs-wg Mailing List for CGS-WG
Cir-bog Cloud Interoperability Requirements
Clouds-bof [no description available]
cmm-wg Mailing List for CMM-WG
Co2-bof [no description available]
csa-ogf-sec CSA/OGF collaboration
dais-wg Mailing List for DAIS-WG
data-wg Mailing List for DATA-WG
datatransport-rg Mailing List for DATATRANSPORT-RG
dcifed-wg Discussion list for the DCI Federation Working Group.
dcifp-bof Mailing list for the DCI Federation Protocol BoF
dfdl-wg Mailing List for DFDL-WG
dmis-bof Mailing List for DMIS-BOF
dr-bof [no description available]
drmaa-wg Mailing List for DRMAA-WG
E-research [no description available]
egr-rg Mailing List for EGR-RG
Enterprise List for Enterprise Function
esc Mailing List for ESC
eScience List for eScience Function
et-cg Education and Training Community Group
Fedsec-cg [no description available]
fi-rg Mailing List for FI-RG
fs-bof Mailing list for Financial Services BoF
fvga-wg [no description available]
gce-rg Mailing List for GCE-RG
gesa-wg Mailing List for GESA-WG
gfac Mailing List for GFAC
gfs-wg Mailing List for GFS-WG
gfsg Mailing List for GFSG
ggf-pc16 Mailing List for GGF-PC16
Ggf-test [no description available]
ggf12-pc Mailing List for GGF12-PC
ggf15-pc Mailing List for GGF15-PC
ggf17-pc Mailing List for GGF17-PC
ggf17pc Mailing List for GGF17PC
ggf18pc Mailing List for GGF18PC
ghpn-wg Mailing List for GHPN-WG
gin Mailing List for GIN
gin-auth Mailing List for GIN-AUTH
gin-data Mailing List for GIN-DATA
gin-info Mailing List for GIN-INFO
gin-jobs Mailing List for GIN-JOBS
gin-ops Mailing List for GIN-OPS
gin-wheels Mailing List for GIN-WHEELS
gir-wg Mailing List for GIR-WG
glue-wg Glue-wg mailing list
gmac Mailing List for GMAC
graap-wg Mailing List for GRAAP-WG
grid-announce Mailing List for GRID-ANNOUNCE
gridcpr-wg Mailing List for GRIDCPR-WG
Gridftp-wg [no description available]
gridrel-bof Mailing List for GRIDREL-BOF
gridrel-rg [no description available]
gridrnr-bof Mailing List for GRIDRNR-BOF
gridrpc-wg Mailing List for GRIDRPC-WG
Gridvirt-wg Grid and Virtualization WG
gsa-rg Mailing List for GSA-RG
gsm-wg Mailing List for GSM-WG
hass-rg Mailing List for HASS-RG
Id-delegation-bof [no description available]
Idel-wg Mailing list for IDEL-WG
info Mailing List for INFO
infod-wg Mailing List for INFOD-WG
Infrastructure-require [no description available]
Interest Interest in the Open Grid Forum
interop-bof Mailing List for INTEROP-BOF
ipv6-wg Mailing List for IPV6-WG
Isod-bof [no description available]
Isod-rg [no description available]
jsdl-wg Mailing List for JSDL-WG
liaison-cg [no description available]
liaisons Mailing List for LIAISONS
loa-bof Levels of Assurance BOF mailing list
Loa-rg Levels of Authentication Assurance RG
lsg-rg Life Science Research Group
lsg-security Mailing List for LSG-SECURITY
memberinfo2006 Mailing List for MEMBERINFO2006
msc Management Steering Committee
nm-wg Network Measurements working group
nma-rg Mailing List for NMA-RG
Nmc-wg [no description available]
nml-wg Network Markup Language WG
nomcom Mailing List for NOMCOM
nsi-wg [no description available]
occi-wg Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) - Working Group
ogf-adcom OGF Advisory Committee list
Ogf-affiliates [no description available]
ogf-compute Mailing List for OGF-COMPUTE
ogf-it Mailing List for OGF-IT
ogf-members [no description available]
ogf-proc-wg Mailing List for OGF-PROC-WG
ogf-sponsors Mailing List for OGF-SPONSORS
Ogf-test2 [no description available]
ogf-tutorials Mailing List for OGF-TUTORIALS
Ogf19pc [no description available]
ogf20pc OGF20 Programme Committee
Ogf21-pc [no description available]
ogf22pc [no description available]
ogflistowners Mailing List for OGFLISTOWNERS
ogfstudentmembers Mailing List for OGFSTUDENTMEMBERS
ogsa-authn-bof BoF organization for the OGSA Authentication work group
ogsa-authz-wg Mailing List for OGSA-AUTHZ-WG
ogsa-bes-bof Mailing List for OGSA-BES-BOF
ogsa-bes-wg Mail list for ogsa-bes-wg working group
ogsa-bp-bof Mailing List for OGSA-BP-BOF
ogsa-d-wg Mailing List for OGSA-D-WG
ogsa-dmi-wg Mailing List for OGSA-DMI-WG
ogsa-hpcp-bof Mailing List for OGSA-HPCP-BOF
ogsa-hpcp-wg Mailing List for OGSA-HPCP-WG
ogsa-naming-wg Mailing List for OGSA-NAMING-WG
ogsa-rss-bof Mailing List for OGSA-RSS-BOF
ogsa-rss-wg Mailing List for OGSA-RSS-WG
ogsa-sec-wg Mailing List for OGSA-SEC-WG
Ogsa-usecase-workshop [no description available]
ogsa-wg Mailing List for OGSA-WG
ogsap2p-rg OGSA Peer 2 Peer Research Group list
ogsi-wg Mailing List for OGSI-WG
orep-wg Mailing List for OREP-WG
p2p Mailing List for P2P
Pgi-wg [no description available]
pgm-rg Mailing List for PGM-RG
Pgs-licensing Discussion list for Licensing Roundtable Participants
pgs-rg Mailing List for PGS-RG
pnpa-rg Mailing List for PNPA-RG
Risge-rg [no description available]
rm-bof Reference Model Bof email list
rm-wg Reference Model Working Group
roadmap-bof Mailing List for ROADMAP-BOF
rus-wg Mailing List for RUS-WG
saga-core-wg Mailing List for SAGA-CORE-WG
saga-rg Mailing List for SAGA-RG
sched-chairs Mailing List for SCHED-CHAIRS
scrm-private Mailing List for SCRM-PRIVATE
scrm-wg Mailing List for SCRM-WG
security-area Mailing List for SECURITY-AREA
security-wg Mailing List for SECURITY-WG
sem-grd Mailing List for SEM-GRD
shib-bof Mailing List for SHIB-BOF
sm-frameworks Mailing List for SM-FRAMEWORKS
sn-cg Storage Networking Community Group list
tc-rg Mail list for tc-rg research group
telco-cg Mailing List for TELCO-CG
telco-rg Mailing List for TELCO-RG
tm-rg Mailing List for TM-RG
tsc Technical Strategy Committee
updt-rg Mailing List for UPDT-RG
ur-wg Mailing List for UR-WG
Usecase-workshop [no description available]
userserv-wg Mailing List for USERSERV-WG
voms-proc-wg Provide recommendations for the interpretations of VOMS Attribute Certificates in chained identity credentials
webmaster webmaster Mailing List
wfm-rg Mailing List for WFM-RG
wg-all Mailing List for WG-ALL
ws-naming-bof Mailing List for WS-NAMING-BOF

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